The professional meetings are aimed primarily at :

National education staff
Associations and committed citizens
Students and researchers
Public officials and elected representatives
Cultural players and those involved in urban development

The Spaces
The park and the various areas for hosting professional meetings will be made public shortly.
The programme

The workshops and training courses are the main feature of the Professional Meetings for all the event’s professional participants.
Most of the workshops and training sessions will take place in the main conference centre. Others will take place at venues partnering with the Rencontres.
For teaching staff in Marseille, workshops can be held at your school or college at lunchtimes upon request.
In addition to the workshops and training courses, a range of events will be on offer:
Conferences and roundtables: researchers, thinkers, practitioners, elected representatives and children will explore the many facets of outdoor learning in the context of the ecological and social crisis.
Educational walks: the design and implementation of educational walks will be offered as a way of getting acquainted with the area hosting the Rencontres and learning about this practice.
Participatory workcamps will be used to build light facilities (e.g. a forest sofa). Volunteers, local residents and professionals will all be involved in a friendly and supportive environment.
There will also be a knowledge exchange, an outdoor fablab, exhibitions, film screenings, theatre and a Night of the Encounters!
the Themes

The programme will be formalised around the programmatic axes and thematic routes detailed below.
As the programme is open to participation, new itineraries will be added as proposals are received. In particular, participants are invited to link their proposals to water, the guest element of honour at the Rencontres..
Theme 1: School outdoors
Fundamentals outdoors
Learning on the move
The outdoor classroom in secondary schools
The outdoor classroom for education for sustainable development and the ecological transition
Inclusion outdoors
The influences of the outdoor classroom (popular education, new education, nature-based education, scientific investigation, etc.)
Theme 2: The place of children in the city
Social diversity at school outdoors
Learning outdoors in an urban environment (in a garden, playground, park, square, etc.)
Itinerary: Artistic and cultural practices outside school grounds
Risk and care outdoors
Children outside the home (IME, ITEP, streets, shanty towns, educational centres, prisons, hospitals)
Early childhood, coeducation and parenting outside the home
Theme 3: Class outside and crises
Renovating schools
Resilience in the face of natural hazards
Relationships with living things
One health
Sustainable mobility
Theme 4: Local classrooms outside dynamics
Mobilising a community and supporting an outdoor education dynamic
Taking part in an educational area
Discovery classes
Training staff to go outdoors (teachers, educational teams, extra-curricular activity leaders)
Regulations and funding