The professional meetings of the Rencontres Internationales de la Classe Dehors are dedicated to exchanges, training and networking between professionals. They are designed to encourage mutual enrichment between practitioners, researchers and others involved in outdoor education.
The programme designed by the Fabrique des Communs Pédagogiques is based on proposals from communities that identify with the outdoor classroom initiative.
Professional Meetings
The aim of these professional meetings is to create a collective dynamic and enrich outdoor educational practices, while encouraging exchange and collaboration between the various players in the field.
Find out more: link to upcoming meetings programme is coming soon

Teaching Outdoors
To enjoy outdoor experiences and to celebrate the encounters with the people of Marseille, all educators will be invited to go outside to learn from 11 May to 18 May 2025, near their school, social centre, leisure centre and in sponsored key locations in Marseille (educational gardens, squares, natural spaces, cultural venues, streets, etc.).
Find out more: link to the forthcoming “Les enfants enchantent Marseille” programme coming soon
Teaching outdoors refers to a teaching practice that takes place regularly in the natural and cultural environment surrounding the classroom (inside or outside the school), in an interdisciplinary way and by taking advantage of all the school’s learning areas.
Simply put, to teach outside is teaching, outside.
Teaching outdoors in the vicinity should not be considered as a simple school outing. Teaching outdoors does not exclude teaching indoors, or even defining nature exclusively as places far from city centres. Nature is often at our doorstep, and counting, reading, reciting poetry, writing, practicing physical activities and plastic arts, singing, playing are all compatible with the outdoors.